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He is Not Here! He is Risen!

2nd Baptist Church DoverPlains NY

Hello everyone! Happy Resurrection Sunday! I am going to try writing to you today, instead of posting a video for Sunday School.

The scripture for today is Luke 24:1-6a:

Jesus Is Alive

24 Very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, carrying the spices that they had prepared. 2 When they found the stone rolled away from the entrance, 3 they went in. But they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus, 4 and they did not know what to think.

Suddenly two men in shining white clothes stood beside them. 5 The women were afraid and bowed to the ground. But the men said, “Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive? 6 Jesus isn’t here! He has been raised from death.

And that's what I want to talk about to you today.

This Easter is pretty strange. There was no dressing up in our best clothes, going to Sunrise Service, Easter breakfast, Sunday School, or Morning Worship Service. There were no Easter egg hunts, Easter bonnets, or "He is Risen!" hugs or handshakes. We can't have the whole family together to celebrate. It's kind of hard to remember that it really is a holiday, when everything we usually do to celebrate is gone.

But I want you to remember one thing this morning. Jesus isn't just at church. His resurrection isn't true only if we can celebrate Easter like usual. Jesus is risen! He is risen forever! We've talked before in Sunday School about Jesus' body after he was resurrected. Do you remember that he could suddenly appear and disappear anywhere he wanted? It was as if he could walk through walls! Time and space no longer had any control over him.

In the coming weeks, we will learn about some of the ways Jesus interacted with his disciples after his resurrection, and we will look forward to Pentecost, when we celebrate the outpouring of His Spirit on all of his disciples. This Spirit is still at work in our world today, and is as near to us as we want it to be. Jesus' death allowed him to be all places all the time, something he never could have done while he was alive.

Have you noticed any blessings that have happened while you've been home for these past weeks? Let's think about some of the things that God is showing us during this time. He's allowing us to rest. Let's use the time to focus more on Him. Not the rules and the worries about how we act, but who He really is to us.


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