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Palm Sunday!

Today is Palm Sunday, and we're reading from Luke 19:28-40. I tried a little different method for the video, so let me know what you think!

This week is the last week of Lent. Next Sunday is finally Easter! How have you been doing with your Lent challenges? I'm really glad that I'm not the one who chose to not eat Oreos, because if I had, I blew it today! I did choose not to watch the news in the morning, and I kind of blew that today too. I think that part of the lesson of Lent is that we really do need help. Even if we think we have it all together, it is really easy for us to slip up. The good news is that Jesus is with us, and he's here to help. When we finally realize that we can't be perfect by ourselves, he is ready to pick us up and work through us.

Keep checking back here this week - I'm going to try to put up at least a short post each day so that we can walk through this Holy Week along with Jesus.

Here's a donkey puzzle for you!

And some of you will remember this song. Enjoy!


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