We are so excited to be taking part in our town's sidewalk and tag sale!
Join us Saturday, August 24 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in front of the parsonage (right next to the church on Mill Street in Dover). We'll have a game for the kids, refreshments for all, and a little information about ourselves. We will also have a collection box for new or lightly-used children's clothes which we will send to a children's mission in the Dominican Republic.
As a church, we long to be of use to the people of our community. But in order to serve you, we need to get to know you! We want to hear your dreams and your needs. We want to work with you to improve our community. Above all, we want to light up Dover Plains with God's love! We are all stronger together. So, as you're shopping the sales, stop by for a chat and a snack, bring some kids' clothes if you have some, and let's get to know each other a little better.